Rachel Amanda Bugil Di kata Maaf Terakhir

Rachel Amanda Bugil Di kata Maaf Terakhir Rachel also has starred in films HEART (2005) and I LOVE YOU, OM (2006). Together Restu Sinaga, Ira Wibowo and Karenina, Rachel served as Diana, the little girl who loved him that much older than himself.Rachel Amanda Bugil Di kata Maaf Terakhir

June 2009, before the month of Ramadan, Rachel returned towed Opick singer to sing a duet Seer.

In 2009, Rachel returned to the big screen in the film THE LAST WORD SORRY. Rachel not only acting in front of the camera, this time through the film Paddle Pop KOMBATEI THE MOVIE, he must act through her voice, ie, as the voice of Liona. Entering the end of 2009, Rachel's face and acting to return enjoyed through patron Morning Star.